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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Radio Issues in Kenya

Listening to the radio in Kenya has become less popular due to segmentation. The radio now consist of stations that just play one specific genre of music and appeal to a certain audience, which is causing the radio stations to lose money. Kenyans want the radio station to return to how it was approximately ten years ago because it played a wider range of music. In the morning, a station would play music geared towards adults that are getting ready for their day and on their way to work. In the afternoon is when teens and kids would be listening, which is when hip-hop would be played. At night love songs would be played to help create a sentimental atmosphere. This is how listeners loved their radio. They also loved when the radio was more ineractive. It seems as if the radio in Kenya has become less interactive to the audience, and that is what is causing listeners to change the station constantly.
It seems as if Kenyans are not happy with where the radio stations have gone in recent years. According to the article, the radio statins began to try to appeal and capture one specific audience. Kenya wants the radio to change back to what it used to be because people enjoyed listening to the radio how it was ten years ago.

Mwaniki, Philip. "Kenya: Time to Rethink Kenyan Radio." AllAfrica.com. 3 Dec. 2011. Web. 11 Dec. 2011.

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